Hollow Colossus front cover

210 pages
Needle Press
U.S. $14.95 (paperbound)
  ISBN 978-0-9679905-4-5
U.S. $22.95 (clothbound, no jacket)
  ISBN 978-0-9679905-5-2
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The Hollow Colossus
Andrews, Charles

Capitalism today is a hollow colossus. This book investigates how the triumphal years after World War Two turned into decline and degradation, explaining why:

● The real wage of the average worker peaked in 1973

● There has been no major economic or social welfare reform in the United States for fifty years

● Technology keeps advancing but conditions of work and life get worse

The Hollow Colossus discovers why the United States has a permanently stagnant economy. The book analyzes financialization and globalization, new forms of monopoly, and the intense attacks on public education and health care.

Marshaling political economy, the sociology of work, and the history of technology, the book presents a richly detailed analysis of new contradictions in post-industrial capitalist accumulation. The Hollow Colossus concludes with a developmental view of the socialist alternative.

“With its description of the origins of the scientific-technological revolution, its impact on the U.S. working class and the capitalist accumulation process, and the presentation of a common-sense socialist solution to the crisis, The Hollow Colossus provides a highly informative and ground-breaking analysis of the current jobs crisis. ”

  – Allan Miller in Marxism-Leninism Today

The Hollow Colossus adds something very significant to our understanding of the current phase of capitalism.”

    – Rajendra Sahai in Samayantar (Hindi) and Economic & Political Weekly (English)

Praise for Charles Andrews' previous book

No Rich, No Poor is the most accessible book I have ever read regarding how we got where we are, where we are, and what we must do to, in his own words, ‘accomplish the most important historical task of our time, establish a workable program of common prosperity for all Americans.’ Every page is packed with common sense, well researched information and undeniable truth. No hysteria. No hyperbole. Just useful and actionable truth.”

Joe Bageant

“Charles Andrews' book, No Rich, No Poor, occupies a special place among the many books on socialism and radical social theory. The book is refreshingly free of cant, straightforward, and laudably clear and direct.”

Zoltan Zigedy

historical materialism, mode of production, relations of production, forces of production